I would welcome it developing into a hot war over the general election campaign. It's about time we grappled with the question of intergenerational inequality, no matter how scary it is, and started to understand its causes and consequences. If the issue remains unaddressed, a far less cohesive and happy society will follow. Very good post.

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And once the son its eaten its gone, not just resting

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Great piece, and excellent data analysis!

Given how much the Tories appear to have pissed off the young, why isn’t Labour exploiting this more vocally?

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The eyes certainly have it in that painting!

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Some 13% of people aged 16-24 who are economically active are unemployed. Why is national service a bad idea? It can be a bridge to employment.

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I think, in a vacuum, there is a case to be made for national service. But the Tories haven't put together a thoughtful policy here, they're just using it as a stick to beat gen-z with.

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The inevitable result of the policies of deregulation and privatisation followed since 1979. There’s no solution without tax reform to shift the balance of taxation away from income towards wealth, the state returning to building social housing and using its power to reduce land prices. There’s no sign that the modern Tory Party grasps this. There are some signs that Labour does.

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Excellent commentary, as usual!

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